Portfolio Categories: Home Products

Rumba Seat Cushion

Rumba Seat Cushion

Client: LADP
Year: 2014

Pimp your favourite chairs with warming wool felt cushions. Available in red and grey.
Dimensions: 360x5mm. Material: wool blend felt

For more information please see LADP Sweden

Form - oil vinegar stand


Form - oil vinegar standForm - herb standForm - oil vinegar standForm - herb standForm - herb stand


Client: Sagaform
Year: 2014

Oil- and herb stand
FORM is a series of kitchen products that plays with the shadows of the things the they contain. Oil- and vinegar bottles, pepper mills and fresh herbs – we collect and frame them, allowing their shadow to fill their empty spot when they temporarily run out. FORM cooking products be kept up front without giving a messy impression.



Year: 2009

Xordinary is the name of a lantern with match access that was launched in 2009. Originally the lanterns were made of recycled glass objects, like bottles, but the bottom of the recycled glass being bulky made it necessary to blow them from scratch. The lantern is a part of the Objecthood Collection. For information of where to buy it, please contact Objecthood for the latest info.

One Cut Stools

One Cut Stools

Year: 2009

One material – One cut – One shape – Infinite number of stools…
Do you love stripes? This stool is designed by the user, who can arrange layers, colours and height. It can fall into pieces, yet never brake, as no fastening is needed.

To avoid waste material both the inner pattern and the narrow off-cut is used. The arms of the outer shape can create a comfortable dip in the seat. The inner shape is totally different, with its organic form it can be sculpted straight, round or twisted to build up solid spots in the seat.


The lamp set Infinite

For: HI-MACS® competition, winner, Sweden
Year: 2009

The round lampshade with the same dimension as the foot of the lamp giving a feeling of infinity.